Infusing Protein Molecules with DNA.

Protein Molecules to Living Cells

DNA double helix molecules and chromosomes

There is the daunting task of infusing protein molecules with DNA. In our process of going from amino acids to living cells we’re leaving out literally thousands of steps that would be required to get from amino acids to living cells.

As opposed to trying to wade through all of this, let’s make a challenge.

Place a sterile balanced salt solution in a test tube and put a single living cell in it. Rupture the cell allowing the materials inside the cell to leak into the solution.

In this experiment we have all the materials required to make a living cell.  You are vastly ahead of anything that the Miller – Urey experiment had to offer.

The challenge is to take the materials within the test tube and convert them into a living cell.

I know of no biologist in the world who would take on this challenge.  If any scientist does succeed at doing this, no matter how complex the process, they will find their place in history as one of the greatest scientists ever to have lived!